Center for Innovation

This amazing 2,800 square foot addition includes our:

Culinary Arts Teaching Kitchen | STREAM Lab | Performing Arts Center

The Culinary Arts Teaching Kitchen: We envisioned a culinary arts program that not only addressed the food insecurity issue, utilizing the farm to table concept, but also provided teens marketable job skills to aid in securing employment. This kitchen enables us to serve freshly prepared meals onsite as well as teach cooking classes, giving youth hands-on experience with nutritious, healthy cooking.

Our Culinary Arts and Workforce Development Program includes basic cooking training, mock interviews and resume assistance. At the conclusion of the program, BGCO connects teen participants with jobs and internships at local businesses. This program solidifies BGCO’s role as a talent pipeline partner to several local restaurants.

The S.T.R.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts and Math) Lab: This is an interactive space where youth can experiment, try, fail and try again to learn important problem solving skills. BGCO recognized early on that our youth needed to be better prepared in the STEM fields, and tech-savvy to develop the 21st century skills needed for future success.

The STREAM Lab keeps youth, kindergarten through high school, engaged in hands-on fun. From Life Science topics that include butterfly life cycles, to more advanced learning of genes and molecular machines, youth are able to roll up their sleeves and get down and dirty in exploring all the fun science has to offer.

The Performing Arts Center: In the Performing Arts Center, it is not just about the star standing in front of the mic singing, acting or speaking. It is all about the people that surround that star: lyricists, choreographers, prop designers, lighting and audio specialists. Our members get a taste of the performing arts and all the career opportunities that abound in this field. 

In addition, this is a dedicated space for our youth and ROAD’s members to engage in music, drama and dance programs, including rehearsal and performance space.

The Center for Innovation was made possible by the following donors: $2,500 and Up:

Laura Galinson & Jodi Diamond
Room Dedication, Culinary Arts Teaching Kitchen

Herb Solomon & Elaine Galinson
Room Dedication & STREAM Lab

Nordson Foundation
Room Dedication & STREAM Lab

Keith & Robbie Hass
Culinary Arts Teaching Kitchen 

Barter Family
Room Dedication, Performing Arts Center

Supervisor Horn
Neighborhood Reinvestment Grants for Culinary Arts Teaching Kitchen Equipment, Capital Funding 

Barter Family
Room Dedication, Performing Arts Center

Gigi Gleason
Capital Funding 

Las Patronas
STREAM Lab Furniture and Equipment

Price Family Charities
Capital Funding 

David Copley Foundation
Supplies & Equipment